Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/105

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made Plain and Easy.

it with a piece of butter rolled in flour. Serve this up in a bason by itself, with good gravy in the dish, for every body don't love oyster-sauce. This makes a pretty side-dish for supper, or a corner-dish of a table for dinner. If you chafe it in the dish, add half a pint of gravy to it, and boil it up together. This sauce is good either with boiled or roasted turkies or fowls; but you may leave the gravy out, adding as much butter as will do for sauce, and garnishing with lemon.

To make a mock oyster-sauce, either for turkies or fowls boiled.

FORCE the turkies or fowls as above, and make your sauce thus: take a quarter of a pint of water, an anchovy, a blade or tow of mace, a piece of lemon-peel, and fiver or six whole peppercorns. Boil these together, then strain them, add as much butter with a little flour as will do for sauce; let it boil, and lay sausages round the fowl or turkey. Garnish with lemon.

To make mushroom-sauce for white fowls of all sorts.

TAKE a pint of mushrooms, wash and pick them very clean, and put them in a saucepan, with a little salt, some nutmeg, a blade of mace, a pint of cream, and a good piece of butter rolled in flour. Boil these all together, and keep stirring them; then pour your sauce into your dish, and garnish with lemon.

Mushroom-sauce for white fowls boiled.

TAKE half a pint of cream, and a quarter of a pound of butter, stir them together one way till it is thick; then add a spoonful of mushrooms pickle, pickled mushrooms, or fresh if you have them. Garnish only with lemon.

To make celery sauce, either for roasted or boiled fowls, turkies, partridges, or any other game.

TAKE a large bunch of celery, wash and pare it very clean, cut it into little thin bits, and boil it softly in a little water till it is tender; then add a little beaten mace, some nutmeg, pepper, and salt, thickened with a good piece of butter rolled in flour; then boil it up, and pour in your dish.
