Page:Arthur Stringer - The Hand of Peril.djvu/231

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"There's only one thing more, Romano says. What looks like a bundle of bond paper was delivered there a few, minutes after Carlesi went in."

"That's important. Now describe that shooting-gallery to me, and tell me just where it is."

Kestner listened intently as Wilsnach told what he knew of the place. Then the Secret Agent glanced down at his watch.

"I think I can be inside that gallery in an hour's time. Meanwhile, you have Romano run down the Lambert taxi number. Put Schmidt on it too, if nothing turns up in an hour. I've phoned Hendry to have all trains and ferries covered, and the City staff people are watching the bridges and motor-routes. We can't afford to let that man Lambert get off the Island."

"You mean if he gets going, now, he'll never stop?"

"Murder in the first degree can make a man travel a long way, Wilsnach. And we've done enough travelling on this case."

"And you'll cover Carlesi and the gallery alone?"

"I'll attend to Carlesi. But post a man to tail him, in case he tries to move on before I get there. Get a man who'd know Lambert if he saw him."


"Yes; either Lambert or Maura Lambert are going to get in touch with Carlesi as soon as they safely can. Perhaps Lambert's already seen him. It's ten to one the girl will try to. And that's why I'm going to cover Carlesi."

"All right—I understand."