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See, now we're all alone and nobody can hear us. Tell me, as truly as there is a God in heaven, — tell me, do you really mean to marry me?


Go, my grand dame. Make knots in your shirt and hide your money there, and then run to "Uncle" Yekel and complain that I take all your earnings, — that you haven't even enough to buy yourself a hat. . .


Yes, I did tell him that. It made me furious and cut me to the quick, — to have you tear the very clothes off my back and then go and make eyes at that yellow bitch. . . I'll dash vitriol into her face. Why, her breath smells terribly. How can anybody get near such a thing? A fine young lady he's hunted out!


Away from me! I'll give you such a crack between the eyes that you'll see your great-great-granny's ghost!


Crack away! Tear strips of skin off my body . . . (Pushing up one of her sleeves and showing him her arm.) You've covered me with black and blue marks. (Baring her other arm.) Here, pinch, slash, whatever you will. But tell me, here on this very spot, by the memory of your

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