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As if I need him here ! . . . (Pointing to Hindel.) Here! You may take your old carcass along with you and start a place of your own.


People don't open places with old carcasses. You merely lie down to rest with them. But little dolls. . .

Yekel, calling into the entry.

Reizel! Basha! (Enter two girls, running. Rain is dripping from their wet, filmy dresses and from their unbraided hair. They are in a merry mood and speak with laughter. Yekel leaves, slamming the door behind him.)

Basha, a stout girl, with red cheeks. Naive in manner; she speaks with a harsh accent.

What a sweet odor the rain has! . . . (Shaking raindrops off her clothes.) Just like the apples at home drying, in the lofts. This is the first May rain.


Such a crazy idea: to stand in the rain. As if they'll attract the whole world. . . Nobody'd ever show up in a downpour like this. . . (Goes into her compartment and sits down near her trunk, packing various articles.)

Reizel, shaking off raindrops.

To the deuce with the whole lot of them. I

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