Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/280

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Tishyarakshitâ, queen of Asoka, 246. 260, 263.
Tivara, son of Asoka, 73, 215, 220.
Toleration, 60; edict, 127, 182.
Toprâ, pillar from, 121, 123, 146.
Torture = Sanskrit. varikleśa, defined, 196.
Tosali, town, 25, 93, 94, 193.
Trade, Board of, 87.
Trees, planted, 91, 161, 210.
Tripuradeisos, partition of, 11, 12 n., 14, 72.
Tulakuchi, king, 247.
Tuluva, country, 80.
Tushâspha, Yavana Râjâ, 93n., 95.

Udayibhadra, king, 247.
Ujjain, Asoka Viceroy of, 20, 197, 232, 235; prince of, 93, 94., 196; 'hell' or prison at, 251.
Upagupta, preceptor of Asoka, 40, 41, 45n 77, 233.
Upasampadâ, dehned, 38.
Upatishya, Questioning of, 154.
Upayuktas = yukta (yula), 53 n.
Uraiyûr, old Choḷa capital, 161.
Urumunda, mount, 252.
Uttara, missionary, 44.
Uttiya, king of Ceylon, 240.

Vaḍathika. cave, 216.
Vahiyakâ cave, 216.
Vaibâdyuadrâdin, school of Buddhism, 243 n.
Vaisâli = Basâṛ, 117.
Vakkula, saint, 40, 254.
Vanavâsi = N. Kaṇṇara, 44, 238.
Vedisagiri = Besnagar, 235.
Viceroys, 93.
Videha = Tirhût, 255.
Vigaṭasoka (Vîtâsoka), brother of Asoka, 248, 254-7.
Vṛihaspati, king, 268.
Vṛishasena, king, 268.
Vulture’s Peak, 256.
Vyutha, meaning of, 153.

War Office, 101.
Wardens of the Marches, 26, 198.
Water-rates, 95.
Weapons, Indian, 104 n.
Wells, along roads, 91, 161, 210.
Women, censors of, 171, 183; see Female.
Writing, early knowledge of, 138.
Wu-ti, emperor of China, 36, 38.

Yaśas, saint, or Sthavira, 255.
Yavana = Yona, q. v.
Year, three seasons in, 194.
Yona, 42, 53, 93 n, 95, 162, 168, 188.
Yukta (yuta), meaning of, 53n., 93, 163.

Zâbul, city, 75.
Zoroastrian, Buddhist attitude akin to, 34.

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