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The Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus) and its Geographical Races. By Jonathan Dwight, Jr. (Plate IV.) 271

Summer Birds of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania. By R. T. Young 278

Feeding Habits of the English Sparrow and Crow. By Sylvester D. Judd 285

Summer Birds of Northern Elk County, Pa. By William L. Bailey 289

Summer Birds (July 15-AuG. 13, 1894) of the Rhine. By Ralph Hoffmann 207

The Cormorant Rookeries of the Lofoten Islands. By R. W. Shufeldt, M. D. (Plate V.) 312

Critical Remarks on the Mexican Forms of the Genus Certhia By Harry C. Oberholser 314

Further Remarks on the Law which Underlies Protective Coloration. By Abbott H. Thayer 318

Evidence suggestive of the Occurrence of 'Individual Dichromatism' in Megascops asio. By Arthur, P. Chadbourne, M.D. 321

Recent Literature.—Sclater on Rules for Naming Animals, 325; Swann's Handbook of British Birds, 328; Loomis on California Water Birds, 329; Ridgway on New Species and Subspecies of Birds, 330; Oberholser on Two New Subspecies of Dryobates, 330; Richmond on Mexican Birds, 330; Richmond on New Species of Birds, 331; Dr. Abbott's Collections from Asia, 331; Dr. Abbott's Collections from the Seychelles and other Islands, 331; Robinson's Birds of Margarita, 332; Cherrie on San Domingo Birds, 333; Warren's 'Taxidermy' and Bird-Laws, 334; Ridgway and Lucas on a New Family of Birds, 334; Montgomery on Migration as a Check upon Geographical Variation, 335; Contributions to Economic Ornithology, 335; Publications Received, 335.

General Notes—Occurrence of the Wood Ibis (Tantalus loculator) in Bristol County, Mass., 341; Wilson's Snipe in Nova Scotia in Winter, 341; The Wild Pigeon at Englewood, N. J., 341; Recent Record of the Passenger Pigeon in Southern Wisconsin, 341; The Turkey Vulture in the Catskills, 341; Buteo boreal harlani in Minnesota, 342; A Note on Buteo borealis lucasanus Ridgway, 342; Feeding Habits of Purple Finches, 342; First Occurrence of the Blue Grosbeak in New Hampshire, 342; Solitary Vireo (Vireo solitarius) nesting in Connecticut, 343; Dendroica palmarum in New York City, 343; Breeding of the Yellow-throated Warbler (Dendroica dominica) in Virginia, near Washington, 343; The Louisiana Water-Thrush breeding in Berkshire County, Mass., 344; The Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) in Canada, 344; Thriothorus or Thryothorus? 344; The Hudsonian Chickadee breeding in Southern Vermont, 345; The Hudsonian Chickadee (Parus hudsonicus), Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis), and Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) in Plymouth County, Mass, in Summer, 346; The Western Martin and the California Cuckoo at Escondido. Cal., 347; Bird Notes from Toronto. Canada, 347; Iridescence of Feathers, as explained by an Old Author, 347; Birds killed by a Storm, 348.

Notes and News.—Obituary.—Lord Lilford, 348; Eugene Carleton Thurber, 349; Dr. G. Brown Goode, 349; Bird Day in Schools, 349; Museum of Natural History at Providence. 350; 'The Osprey,' 350; 'Das Tierreich', 350; New Ornithological Publications, 351;.

'THE AUK,' published as the Organ of the American Ornithologists' Union, is edited by Dr. J. A. Allen, with the assistance of Mr. F. M. Chapman.

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