Page:Auld goodman, or, The goodwife victorious.pdf/7

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If the fifth ſhould be wanted,
aſk the gods, 'twill be granted;
Thus, with eaſe, you'll obtain
a remedy for all your pain.


THE ſails unfurl'd, the ſhip unmoor'd,
Her courſe to ſteer, all hands on board,
Propitious every gale;
Fair Betſy on the beech deplores,
Her ſailor bound to diſtant ſhores,
But nought her tears avail.

O cruel Fate! ye Powers above,
Why thus bereft of him I love?
Who on the reſtleſs deep,
The boiſt'rous tide muſt ceaſeleſs brave,
And meet perchance a wat'ry grave,
Whilſt I but live to weep.

Twelve months elaps'd when he return'd.
Her conſtant heart with rapture burn'd,
'Twas free from every care;
For Henry's love, his heart, his ſoul,
Were true as needle to the pole,
When abſent from the fair.

In wedded bliſs they taſte delight,
No winds diſturb, nor ſtorms affright,
The lovely Betſy's breaſt;
For now he makes a firm decree,
No more to truſt the raging ſea,
With her completely bleſt.}}