Page:Australian views of England.djvu/129

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May, 1869.
16, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London.


List of Publications.

Æschyli Eumenides.

The Greek Text with English Notes, and an Introduction. By Bernard Drake, M.A., 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Ami. — Works byOr.K Airy, M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. As(ro7W7)ur Royal, itc.

Treatise on the Algebraical and Nii-nheriail Theory of Errors of Observations and the Combination of Obser- ixUions.

Crown Svo. 6«. M. Popular Astronomy.

A Series of I.ectnreB delivered at TpBwich. Siaih Ediiion. ISmo. cloth, it. 6d. WiQi IllaBtratioiia. Uniform with Hacuilluj'b School Cljub Boobb. An Elementary Treaiise on Partial Differential Equations.

, With Stereoscopic Cards of Ditgrami. Crown 8vi>. Gi. Sd. On the Undulatory Theory of Optias.

DflBJgned for the dbo of Students in the University. Crown Svo. 6s. 6d. On Sowad and Atmospheric Vibrations,

With the Mathematical Elfments of Mnaic. Deaijped for the ose of Students of the Univeisiliea. Crown Svo. St. Algebraical Exercises.

Progressively arranged by Rev. C. A. Jones, M.A. and C. H. Chkvke, M.A. Mathematioal Masters in Wsatminrter School. ISmo. 2i. tti^ Aliens Admntwres in Wonderland.

By Lbwis Carbolii. With Forty-two lUnatratiDtu hj Tbnniil. letb ThonsKud. Crown Svo. cloth. Si. A Qerman TranaloHon of the tam^. Crown Svo, gilt S*.


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