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"I had a hard time finding you," said Mrs. Vernon's visitor.

She yawned. "Not so hard as I should have liked," she returned.

"How do you feel?"

"Bored at the moment."

"When was the baby born?"

"I didn't have a baby. I'm here for something else."

"Oh, stop being silly, Ora. How is the baby?"

Mrs. Vernon went and sat down on the edge of her bed. "The baby is fine," she said, seriously. "He weighed seven pounds at birth and is as healthy as could be desired. I'm well, too, but you shouldn't be here. I'm not supposed to have visitors today. My day isn't until Wednesday. Will you come Wednesday?"

"Oh, see here, Ora, couldn't I speak to the nurse and perhaps give her some money?"

"No, they're very strict. She might report you down at the desk, and you might be barred out entirely for having tried to bribe her into disobeying orders."

"I've never been in a maternity hospital before. I don't know about rules—"

"No, I know you don't. Be a good egg and go now. Come back Wednesday."

"You see, they let me by at the desk—"

"Yes, the account of visitors is kept up here. Do go."

"Very well, dear, but I'll be back Wednesday. So glad that you're feeling well and that the baby is healthy. Shall I see him Wednesday?"

"Yes, indeed. Good-by."


The girl with the red-gold hair looked speculatively at Dot. Had she heard everything?

Dot did not keep her guessing long. "Why, he could