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did I? What is it you want for supper tomorrow night?"

"I'd like an extra special steak. A real thick, tender one, you know. And mashed potatoes and corn on the cob and sliced tomatoes with plenty of mayonnaise, and rolls from the Hanscom Bakery, and bananas and cream."

"Order received and noted," said Edna. "Coffee or tea?"


"Soft or hard rolls?"


"Will you take it at the table or in bed?"

"At the table."

"Fine. What time would you like it served, M'lady?"

Eddie turned to Edna and said, "I wanted to bring her home in the morning, but I can't get off till one o'clock, and it's so hot then that I thought we'd better wait till around five. I hate to drag her out of here when it's so hot. The nurse says she can wait."

"That's the best way," said Edna. "You leave here at five o'clock and come right home and sit down and eat your extra special steak."

"First I'll have to change the baby's diaper," said Dot.

Miss Harris came to get the baby, and Edna and Eddie got up to leave. Dot smiled again. It was funny and kind of sweet to think of them walking down the street together. What would they talk about?

They both kissed her. Edna bent over the baby and kissed his fingers and murmured silly, soft things in his ear.

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" she said suddenly. "Here I am hogging the baby and not giving Eddie a chance to kiss him good night."

The smile froze on Dot's face. Eddie had never kissed the baby. He didn't want to. What would he do now that Edna had practically forced him into it? Just as he and