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reached for a dry diaper. She was going to change her baby's diaper. She was going to make him all nice and comfy again.

But Miss Parsons was too fast for her. She came hurrying into the nursery just as Dot had opened the baby's blanket. "Get out of here," she said. "You are a fool if ever one breathed. Here's almost your last chance to get your kid diapered for you, and you want to do it. Many a time, in the months to come, you'll wish you had Parsons to change him."

Dot laughed. "I'll love doing it," she said.

"Yeh, you and the other inmates of the nut house."

Dot went back to her magazine. Despite the friendly tone of Miss Parsons' jeers, it was evident that Dot was not supposed to minister to her baby until she got him home. She wished they'd let her bathe him. The time was dragging so terribly.

Just before luncheon, Sue Cudahy came in. Dot did not expect any more visitors until she got home, but she was glad to see Sue.

Sue had something on her mind. She fairly glittered with the importance of it. The shiny, shellacked wings on her hat and the rhinestones on her slippers seemed to express her excitement as plainly as her gleaming eyes and her torrent of words.

"Oh, I couldn't wait till tonight when you were home to see you," she cried. "Besides, Edna will be there and all. This is a funny thing to tell you just as you're leaving the hospital, but I just went to the doctor's, and he says yes I am, and I just had to come here to tell you. What do you think? I'm going to have a baby!"

Dot's eyes grew large with surprise. She was sitting on the bed, facing the window, and Sue looked well at her for signs of the ordeal through which she had passed. She found no such signs, and with so concrete a reassurance