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"Well, use it. I'll be waiting tomorrow for you."

He caught hold of her hands and pulled her to him. She kissed him without question or coquetry.

"Good night, Kid, I'll expect your call."

He started away from her and was arrested by her hand on his sleeve. He turned and found her eyes brimming with tears.

"What the hell—"

"Oh, Eddie, don't think I'm crazy. If you get mad at me I'll have to walk around all night alone. I won't go home, Eddie, I can't. I'm scared to go upstairs."

He took her hand and led her into the brown-and-white foyer. She was crying carelessly now and clinging to him.

"I wasn't gonna tell you, but I had to—"

"What's the matter?"

"I can't go upstairs. It's half past twelve and my brother will kill me." The last few words were accompanied by an agonized sob.

"Don't be crazy," said Eddie, his face suddenly hardening. "Your brother won't kill you. Tell him you were at a friend's house. Don't he know Maude? He won't holler."

"Oh, he will, he will, Eddie. He hit me once something awful just because I went to Coney Island and didn't get home till twelve."

Eddie's eyes narrowed and his hands slipped into his pockets. "I'll go up with you," he said. "Come on."

"Oh, that would be twice as bad. He'd think I was no good being with a fellow till this hour."

"I hope he says so," Eddie spoke out of the side of his mouth. "Come on."

"Oh, no, Eddie. You'd hit Jim and he'd put me out."

"Then you'd go with me."

"With you? Where?"

"Where I go, Stupid. Come on, every minute makes you later." Eddie started up the marble stairs. He was