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window each bore a burden of radio equipment. Only the bed was saved, and Dot guessed that that was because Eddie hated to subject his treasures to constant rearrangement.

The set which he had repaired stood on the table in a space which had been hurriedly cleared for it. The floor whereon lay an overturned ash tray and many strange drawings with weird symbols testified to the swift, deft motion with which Eddie had provided a landing-place for the set.

"Ain't she a beaut?" asked Eddie.

"Sure is," Dot agreed, dully.

"Super het," Eddie announced.

"Is that so?"

"Bring in anything from KGO to 2LO."

"No kidding?"

"Sure. Wanna see inside?"

Dot looked obligingly inside. A lot of bulbs gleamed up at her and an unintelligible mass of metal and wire sat snugly, confident of admiration.

"Neat, eh?"

"Sure is." Dot yawned.

"See what I did on it?" asked Eddie.

Dot lost her patience then. "How the hell should I know what you did to it?" she asked. "For God's sake, I'm not Marconi or Edison or whoever discovered radio. I stand like a sap out in the rain waiting for you while you're getting everything from KGO to 2LO; then you have the crust to make me look at the damn thing."

Eddie walked away from the set and found a cigarette.

"All right, Dot, my mistake. It's my job, you see. I thought you'd be interested."

"I am interested, Eddie, but I can't know these things just natural. They got to be explained. Let's go to the movies, Eddie. Gee, I don't want you to be sore at me."