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are still friends?" Dot was too young and too interested in the string of events that had suddenly unwound themselves in her placid existence to notice Edna's expression or to give her a chance to reply. "I never thought I'd get married so soon," she said.

"Well," said Edna, "'marry in haste and repent at leisure,' or 'he who hesitates is lost.' Take your pick, Dot."

Dot smiled over at Edna. She felt cheerful and thrilled. Tomorrow she would be married to Eddie. Tonight she would sleep at Edna's house. Edna was her friend. Yes, tonight was all mapped out and tomorrow was her wedding day. The day after? Well, that would be passed in a sort of dreamy and very delightful stupor. She would be Eddie's wife. Nothing annoying was ever going to happen again. Nothing annoying—

"The first week I was married," said Edna suddenly, "I damn near starved to death."

"But I'll bet you didn't mind," said Dot.

"What do you mean, didn't mind? I could 'a' killed Marty. He lost his job right before the wedding, and I didn't want to postpone it. By the way, did you and Eddie get around to talking about anything besides how sweet you were?"

"He never says I'm sweet, Edna. He's a funny fellow. Funny that I should be so crazy about him. It ain't as though he was handsome either. But gee, Edna, he's so nice."

"Down to earth, Kid. Has he got any money saved?"

Dot blushed uncomfortably. This wasn't at all nice of Edna.

"Gosh, I don't know. He didn't tell me nothing about that, and how can you ask a fellow such a thing?"

"I'll ask him," said Edna.

"Oh, Edna, don't you dare. He'd be wild. He'd think that you were awfully nosey."