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(II) The purpose of the Inter-Fraternity Conference shall be the discussion of questions of mutual interest and the presenting to the fraternities represented of such recommendations as the Conference shall deem wise, it being understood that the functions of such Conferences shall be purely advisory.

(III) The Inter-Fraternity Conference shall meet annually at New York on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, unless the place or date shall be changed by majority vote of the officers. Notice of all meetings shall be issued by the Secretary.

(IV) The officers of the Inter-Fraternity Conference shall be a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer, elected annually by majority vote.

(V) In order to meet the necessary expenses of postage and printing, each fraternity participating in the Conference shall make an annual contribution of fifteen dollars. Expenditures may be made by the Treasurer at any time on the authorization of the Chairman.

(VI) This constitution may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the fraternities represented in the Conference.

And the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That we recommend to our several chapters at each college where there is more than one fraternity represented, that they call a conference of representatives of the several fraternities and confer together concerning and evils of the rushing system existing at that college; that they devise regulations tending to lessen such rushing evils as they find exist, including excessive expense in entertaining men.

Further Resolved, That we urge upon our several chapters the necessity for acting harmoniously together as members of associations having generous rivalries but kindred aims, and pledge to the chapters our cordial cooperation and support so far as we can extend it.