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of metropolitan “latest thing,” but fresh, enthusiastic interest was their priceless possession. They wandered aimlessly through several rooms, until they emerged into the Cubist and Futurist sections and stood rooted to the floor with surprise and horror.

“What are these?” Bambi demanded.

“Damaged Goods,” Jarvis laughed, with a rare attempt at a joke.

“Are they serious?”

“Tragic, I should say.”

He looked about with an expression of amusement, but Bambi felt actual, physical nausea at the sight of the vivid blue and orange and purple.

“It’s wicked!” she said, between closed teeth.

“Let’s sit down and try to get the idea,” said Jarvis.

“There isn’t any idea.”

“Oh, yes, there must be. The directors would never get together an acre of these atrocities unless there was some excuse.”

“It’s low and degenerate. It’s a school of hideousness. Come away!”

“You go sit in another room if you like. I am going to give these fellows a fair chance. Maybe they’ve got hold of something new.”