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“It would be rather awful for me to be famous first.”

“I don’t know about that. It would be selfish of your husband to stand in your way.”

“Oh, Jarvis is selfish. He’s utterly, absorbedly selfish, but not just that way. He’d never stand in my way.”

“I’d like to meet Jarvis.”

“Well, when the secret is out I’ll bring him here. He’s unusual, Jarvis is. Some day he’ll be great.”

“He is in luck to be Mr. to your Mrs.”

She flushed furiously.

“Yes, I think he is,” she admitted, as she rose.

“How long are you to be in New York?”

“As long as your five hundred holds out.”

“You must come in again. If I can be of any use to you, while you are here, give you letters to anybody, have you meet people, I’ll be delighted to do so.”

“You’re a very nice man,” said she. “You have removed the ban from the whole tribe of editors in twenty minutes’ talk.”

“That’s a tribute worth living for. It has been a delightful twenty minutes. Come in again.”

Out in the office, and in the impressive reception