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“Get him an adding machine!”

Bambi withered him.

“He would disinherit me on the spot. That’s like sending Paderewski a pianola.”

“We must get something for Ardelia, too.”

“I got her a red dress, a red hat, a salmon-pink waist, and handkerchiefs with a coloured border.”

Once their thoughts turned toward the little house, and the arithmetical garden, they were anxious to get back. Their shopping tour was a gay affair, because it was their last outing.

“Don’t you feel differently about New York?” she asked him as they walked back. “It seems to me like a fascinating new friend I have made. I am sorry to leave it.”

“I’m not. I’m not made for cities. People interest me for a while, then I forget them, and they are always under foot, in places like this. I trip over them, and they interrupt my thoughts.”

“I’m so glad you are true to type,” she smiled up at him.

“I’m deeply grateful and appreciative of your bringing me here,” he added awkwardly.

“That was out of character, Jarvis. A month ago you would have taken it as your right.”