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to work up an explanation of him for the “Heavenly Twins.” He would be there for lunch—he must be accounted for. She discarded several plans, and finally decided to introduce him as the brother of a college classmate, in town for the day. She would get rid of the family speedily, so that she and Mr. Strong might have time for the conference. What on earth did he want to see her about? It must be important, to bring him from New York. Maybe he was disappointed with the second story, and wanted to break the contract. It was his kind way to come and say it, instead of writing it, but it was a blow. She had felt that the second tale was so much better than the first. She went over it, in her mind, trying to pick flaws in it. Well, she could always go to dancing, if everything else failed.

At lunch she casually remarked, “Richard Strong is coming to lunch on Thursday. I hope you will both be here.”

“Who may Richard Strong be?” inquired her father.

“He is the brother of an old classmate, Mary Strong.”

“Does he live here?” Jarvis asked.

“No. He lives in New York.”