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devious country ways that I was afraid you would get lost.”

Admiration was certainly on top now.

“If you don’t mind, we will walk. It isn’t far.”

“The farther the better,” he replied gallantly.

They set forth, down the shady village street, where the trees almost met overhead. Strong drew in deep breaths of the fresh morning air. His eyes kept returning to the little French figure at his side, so metropolitan, and yet so much the dominant note in any setting in which he had seen her. She chattered on, about the town, the university, and the sights.

“I refrain from pointing out the town hall, and the Carnegie Library,” she said.

“I am grateful,” he bowed.

“Are you married?” she darted at him, out of their impersonality.

“No, alas!”

“That helps a little.”

His surprise was evident.

“I’m afraid I’ve got you into rather a box.”

“I don’t mind, if you will play Pandora.”

“Thanks. You remember that I told you that my—my career was to be a secret from the ‘Heavenly Twins’?”