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the amount, and paid it absently, dismissed him, and hurried to the elevator.

She was first shown into the general-domo’s office, where she was catechised as to her name and her business. She waited fifteen minutes while her name was passed down the line. Word came back that Mr. Frohman was engaged. Would she please wait?

“I’ll wait, but my appointment was at three,” she said.

The major-domo looked at her as if such lèse majesté deserved hanging. In fifteen minutes more she was conducted into an anteroom, where she was turned over to a secretary. Her business was explained to him. In due course of time word came out that Mr. Frohman would be through in ten minutes. She was moved, then, to a tiny room next the sacred door leading into the inner mystery. Twenty minutes passed, then a youth appeared.

“Mr. Frohman will receive you now,” he announced in solemn tones.

Bambi refrained from an impulse to say, “Thank you, St. Peter,” and followed into the private office. For a second she was petrified with fear, then with the courage of the terror-stricken she marched down the