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“Improves my style. You ought to be glad. Let’s hear about the plans for the book.”

They settled down to discussing advertising plans, which kept them busy until late afternoon. When the last detail was settled, Bambi rose with a sigh.

“Whew! That was a long siege. Like Corp in ‘Sentimental Tommy,’ it makes me sweat to think.”

“I should not have kept it up so long. I forget you are not used to this drill,” he apologized.

“I think I’ll live. Remember the first time I came to see you?”


“Wasn’t I scared?”

“Were you?”

“You were so kind and fatherly.”

“Fatherly?” he said.

“What lots of things have happened to me since then,” she mused.

“And to me,” said Richard, under his breath.

“Heigho! Life is a bubble.”

“You’ll feel better after a cup of tea. Where shall we go?”

“Let’s walk up to the Plaza.”

“Done,” said he, closing his desk.

It was a cold, crisp day, which stimulated the