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BAMBI felt the renewed vigour with which Jarvis attacked the final problems of their task. He was working toward the goal of his affections, a meeting with his lady. She, too, felt the strain of the situation, and keyed herself up to a final burst of speed. The middle of February came, bringing the day which ended their labours.

“Well, I believe that is the best we can do with it,” Jarvis said.

“Yes, our best best. For my part, I feel quite fatuously satisfied. I think it is perfectly charming.”

“I hope the author will be pleased,” he said earnestly.

“I’m much more concerned with Mr. Frohman’s satisfaction. If he likes it, hang the author!”

“But I want to please her more than I can say.”

“You have a great interest in that woman, Jarvis. What is it about her that has caught your attention?”

“It is difficult to say. As I have grown into her