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There were interruptions now and then, criticisms and suggestions. As he read and laid down the last page, Mr. Frohman nodded his head.

“Pretty clever work for amateurs,” he said.

“You think it will go?”

“With some changes and rearrangements. Yes, I should say so.”

“Are you thinking of producing it soon?”

“Yes, if I can make satisfactory arrangements with the author I’ll put it in rehearsal right away.”

“I think the author will be satisfied.”

The manager looked a question.

“We have been corresponding during my work on it,” Jarvis explained.

Mr. Frohman stared, then laughed.

“We can soon find out whether she’s pleased. She is due here at three o’clock to-day.”

“She is coming here to-day?” Jarvis exclaimed.


“Could I talk to her then—there is so much—”

“Sorry. I promised there would be no one here. Some crazy idea about keeping her name a secret.”

“Of course. I would not intrude,” said Jarvis, hastily. “She wrote me that she would leave rehearsals to you and me.”