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“Husband will be mad as fury at the whole thing.”

“You don’t think that, do you? That would spoil the whole thing so entirely,” she said in concern.

“You’re the dramatist, I’m only the manager,” he laughed.

They talked about the cast, the sets, and other practical details.

“You’re coming to rehearsals, aren’t you?” he asked her.


“Jarvis prepared me for that.”

“Did he? Well, he won’t be much good. He can’t act.”

“I told him you would look over the play, then I would call the company together for a reading.”

“Consider the script looked over. Do call it quick, Mr. Frohman; I can hardly wait.”

“What about contracts? Do you want one as author, with another to you and Jarvis as playwrights?”

“No, that’s too complicated. Let’s have one for the whole thing, then we can divvy up what there is.”

“Suits me. I’ll see you next week, then. Better make arrangements to stay in town during rehearsals.”