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“Lawd a’ massy, Miss Bambi! I'se so excited I cain’t talk. A noo silk dress an’ a-goin’ to Noo Yawk wid de Perfessor. I decla’ dey ain’t no niggah woman in dis heah town got sech quality to work fo’ as dis old niggah has.”

“Why, Ardelia, we couldn’t have it without you.”

“Am I gwine sit wid de’ white folks in de’ theatre, or up in niggah heaven?”

“You’ll sit in a box with the rest of us.”

“Gawd-a'mighty, honey, dis gwine to be de happies’ ‘casion ob my life.”

The co-authors took the night train.

“Not quite a year ago since our first journey together,” said Bambi.

“That’s so. It seems a century, doesn’t it?”

“That is a distinctly husband remark.”

“I was only thinking of how much had happened in that time.”

“Two new beings have happened—a new you and a new me,” she answered him.

“Are you as changed as I am?” he asked.

“Yes. You haven’t noticed me enough to realize it, I suppose.”

He made no reply to that. Arrived in New York, they went to the clubhouse, and took the same rooms