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She and Jarvis had an argument about the bags. She insisted upon carrying them herself, and indignantly refused the help of the coloured porter.

“Go way f'um heah, boy. Yo’ reckon I gwine trust yo’ all wid ma’ noo silk dress an de Perfessor’s dress suit? No, sah!”

She kept them laughing all the way to the club with her tales of their difficulties and excitements in getting off. Her exclamations on everything she saw were convulsing. When they arrived at the club, and she discovered that she was to have the little room next to Bambi’s, her satisfaction was complete.

Bambi ordered the entire family to repose on its respective backs for an hour before they dressed for dinner. So they parted to obey orders. For that hour Bambi held herself firmly upon her bed, completing her plans. They had agreed, she and Jarvis, that if there should be a call for the author, they would take it together, and Jarvis would speak. She was not sure just how she was to make the revelation to him of her dual personality. She decided to leave it to chance.

Never in her life had she been so excited. The double responsibility as author and playwright shrank to second place in comparison with the fact