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“Law, honey, ‘tain’t no play-actin’ to me. It’s jes’ lak’ bein’ home wid yo’ an’ de’ Perfessor and Marse Jarvis. Dose folkses is jes’ lak yo’ all.”

Bambi laughed outright. Ardelia was the only one who guessed.

“I trust you do not compare me to that impractical old fiddling man,” the Professor protested to Ardelia.

“Sh! Here’s the curtain!” warned Bambi.

The second act went like a breeze. Laughter and applause punctuated its progress. The house was warming up. Bambi slipped her hand into Jarvis’s, and he held it so tight that she could feel his heart beat through his palm. There was no doubt about it at the end of the second act. It was going. The company took repeated curtain calls, smiling at the Jocelyns.

“I’m grinning so I shall never get my face straight again,” Bambi said to Richard, who came to the box to congratulate them.

“Looks like a go,” he said, cordially.

Even Jarvis unbent to him, and insisted upon his sitting with them for the third act. Bambi added a smiling second. She had explained to Richard, in advance, why she did not invite him to share the box.