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“Mah good Lud, Miss Bambi, yo’ sho’ can dance better’n Jezebel! I ‘low the debil do git into yo', the way yo’ all dance! Go ‘way frum me! Don’ yo’ drag me into no cunjer dance.”

“Ardelia, the gods do provide!” cried Bambi. “Such unutterably crazy good luck—to think of my getting it!”

“Did yo’ get a lottery prize, Miss Bambi?”

“That’s just what I got—a lottery prize.”

“Foh the Lud’s sake! What you gwine to do with it?”

“I am going to take Jarvis Jocelyn to New York, and between us we are going to harness Fame and drive her home.”

“Well, I don’ know who Fame is, but if she’s a hoss, wher’ yo’ goin’ to keep her when yo’ get her? We ain’t got no barn for her.”

Bambi laughed.

“We’ll stable her all right, Ardelia, if we can catch her. This is a secret between you and me. Don’t you breathe it to a soul that I have won anything.”

“No, ma'am; yo’ kin trust me to the death.”

“I’ll bring you a present from New York if you won’t tell.”

She rushed off to her own room, to look over her