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THE was quite prompt. Gordon, who had been ten minutes early at the rendezvous, had to wait only a quarter of an hour. Then he saw her half a block away walking quickly, as though, he thought, she feared her courage would desert her if she lagged. His heart quickened and to stifle his agitation he started the motor and swung the car around so that she might step in beside him from the curb. If he expected the girl he had parted from in the forenoon he was disappointed, for this was quite another Peggy who stepped nimbly into the car, with a gay nod of her head, sank into the seat beside him and drew her dark cloak up about her neck.

"Am I late?" she asked briskly. "I tried not to be, but I'm so unused nowadays to going out anywhere that I simply was all thumbs when it came to dressing." She looked at Gordon's attire. "I'm glad you're not in dinner things," she