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"No, but you've surprised me. After this when I think I know a little about women, Leona, I'll take myself gently but firmly by the slack of my trousers and conduct myself around behind the barn and kick myself into a suitably humble frame of mind."

"My dear Gordon, if men would only stop talking about understanding women and realize that a woman is only a supersensitized—is there such a word?—a supersensitized man they'd have no trouble understanding us. The mistake comes in starting out with the preconceived notion that we're something utterly different. We aren't. We're just like you, only—only more so!"

"I'll try to remember," he answered with a smile. Then, "So you think I acted the coward, Leona?"

She nodded vehemently. "Yes, I do, but I have no idea that I can make you see it. Still, perhaps you didn't love her enough. I'm liable to take things rather seriously, you see."

"Love her! Good heavens!" he groaned.

"But now—not quite so much?"

"More, much more, Leona. I thought I cared—a good deal—before; and I did. But after she