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believe you're laughing at me all the time. Well, laugh if you like. But you can't forget me, can you?" he challenged.

She shook her head. "I don't think I want to. You have quite restored my faith in your kind, Mr. Ames. Thanks for that; and, again, for your kindness."

She picked up the reins. He laid a hand on them behind the bit.

"No, you can't go yet," he said hoarsely. "We've got to come to terms!"

Her eyes darkened, although a little smile still trembled about her mouth. For a long moment their glances held. Then he dropped his hand and stepped back.

"I beg your pardon," he said stiffly. "Good-by."

But when the horse moved forward she reined him back. And the smile grew until it was a very kindly one.

"If you're going, please go," he said impatiently.

But having won her victory, womanlike she would yield.

"Then—you don't want to know?" she asked.