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England thrift that queers the game. Why, hang it, mother, I can't even loaf decently now! I get bored to death about every twenty-four hours. Sometimes I wish to Heaven I'd been born poor!"

"The obligations of wealth——" began Mrs. Ames.

"Don't, please. Mums! I know all about that. What I want is something to do. I think I'll get married."

"Marriage is hardly an occupation," returned his mother, smiling.

"By gad, it is for some poor devils! Teddy Norden was down at Aiken for a week or two with that filly of his, and I give you my word I never saw a man more fully occupied than he was!"

"I am very sorry for Mr. Norden," said his mother, "but when men marry out of their set—I hope there was no—no scandal?"

"Nothing special," replied Gordon, with a shrug. "Enough to keep Teddy on the qui vive, though."

"Well, I'm not sure that marriage wouldn't be very good for you, my boy. You're twenty-seven. Your father married when he was twenty-