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a yacht put in commission, I shall sit at your feet and learn more wisdom, Mums."

His mother shook her head smilingly as Hurd pulled back her chair for her. "You'll get your wisdom in living, Gordon, and not by listening to an old woman gabble. Will you hand me those letters, Hurd? Thank you. Dear me, has the clock got out of order again?"

"No, madam," replied Hurd. "It is quite correct."

"What! Almost twenty minutes to three! My good gracious, Hurd, why didn't you tell me? Why, I told Tolland to be at the door at half-past two."

"Yes, madam, he is waiting."

"I shall be late at the meeting, Gordon! This is your fault. You let me talk and talk and talk, like—like a phonograph!"

"Not at all," laughed Gordon. "A phonograph talks in a circle and you haven't done that."

"Well, that's one comfort," grumbled his mother. "Shall I see you at dinner?"

"Not this evening, Mums. I'm dining at the club."