Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/137

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"And I suppose you think I'm responsible for that," retorted Hiram quickly.

"I didn't say so. One thing, though; there's got to be another change."

"That's right," added the manager scowling at the team, but neither he nor Luke intimated where the change ought to be made.

"They're right on that one point," said Peaches, "a big shift is needed, and I can tell 'em one place to make it, if not two."

"Where?" asked Teeter.

"Pitcher for one," replied Peaches quickly, "and catcher for the other. If we had two good men as a battery there would have been a different story to-day."

"What's that?" quickly demanded Hiram, turning around, for Peaches had unconsciously spoken louder than he intended.

"I said I agreed with you," spoke the lad diplomatically, "that if we'd had some changes the result would have been different to-day," but he did not mention the changes.

"Well, it's all over," remarked Joe to Tom, as they descended from the grandstand. "Let's get back home. Jove! But it's too bad to start the season with a defeat."

"Somebody had to lose," replied Tom philo-