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crossed the channel, and made himself master of Rouen, which he fortified.  Charles the Simple, unable to contend with Rollo, offered to resign to him some of the northern provinces, and to give him his daughter in marriage.  Neustria, since called Normandy, was granted to him, and afterwards Brittany.  He added the more solid virtues of the legislator to the fierce valour of the conqueror—converted to Christianity, he established justice, and repressed the excesses of his Danish subjects, till then accustomed to live only by plunder.  His name became the signal for pursuing those who violated the laws; as well as the cry of Haro, still so usual in Normandy.  The Danes and Francs produced a race of men celebrated for their valour; and it was a small party of these that in 983, having been on a pilgrim-