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Station VI.

Veronica presents a handkerchief to Christ.

V. We adore Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, and bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

The Mystery.

THE sixth Station represents the place where the pious Veronica, compassionating our agonizing Redeemer, beholding His sacred face livid with blows and covered with blood and sweat, presents a handkerchief, with which Jesus wipes his face. Consider the heroic piety of this devout woman, who is not intimidated by the presence of the executioners, or the clamors of the Jews; and the tender acknowledgment of Jesus. Reflect here, that though you cannot personally discharge the debt of humanity to your Saviour, you can discharge it to His suffering members, the poor. Though you cannot wipe away the blood and sweat from the face of Jesus, you can wipe away the tear of wretchedness from the eye of misery. Examine, then, what returns you have made for the singular graces and favors your bountiful Jesus bestowed on you; and conscious of your ingratitude, address your injured Saviour in the following.


O JESUS, grant me tears to weep my ingratitude. How often have I, infatuated wretch, turned my eyes from Thee and Thy sufferings, to fix them on the world and its vanities! Let me henceforth be Thine without division. Stamp Thy image on my soul, that it may never admit another love. Take possession of my heart on earth, that my soul may take eternal possession of Thee in glory. Amen, Jesus!

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory, &c.

Jesus Christ crucified, have mercy on us!

Veronica pressed through to meet our Lord,
His streaming face a napkin to afford,
Lo, on its texture stamped by power divine
His sacred features breathe in every line.