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Station XII.

Christ is exalted on the Cross and dies.

V. We adore Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, and bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

The Mystery.

THIS Station represents the place where Jesus Christ was publicly exalted on the Cross between two robbers, who, for their enormous crimes, were executed with the innocent Lamb.

Consider here the confusion of your Saviour, exposed naked to the profane view of a blasphemous multitude. Imagine yourself at the foot of the Cross. Behold that sacred body streaming blood from every part. Contemplate the divine countenance pale and languid, the heart throbbing in the last pangs of agony, the soul on the point of separation; yet charity triumphs over His agony; His last prayers petition forgiveness for His enemies: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." His clemency is equally extended to the penitent thief: " This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise." He recommends in His last moments His disconsolate Mother to His beloved St. John. He recommends His soul to His heavenly Father, and bowing down His submissive, obedient head, resigns His spirit. Turn your eyes on the naked, bloody portrait of charity. Number His wounds. Wash them with tears of sympathizing love. Behold the arms extended to embrace you. Love of Jesus! thou diest to deliver us from eternal captivity.


O SUFFERING Son of God! I now behold Thee in the last convulsive pangs of death — Thy veins opened. Thy sinews torn. Thy hands and feet, O Fountain of Paradise! distilling blood. I acknowledge, charitable Jesus, that my reiterated offences have been Thy merciless executioners, the cause of Thy bitter sufferings and death. Yet, God of mercy, look on my sinful soul, bathe it in Thy precious blood! Let me die to the vanity of the world, and renounce its false pleasures. Thou didst pray, my Jesus, for Thy enemies. I forgive mine. I embrace them in the bowels of Thy charity. I bury my resentment in Thy wounds. Shelter me in the day of wrath in the sanctuary of Thy side. Let me live, let me die, in my crucified Jesus. Amen.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory, &c.

Jesus Christ crucified, have mercy on us!

Behold the streams of blood from every part,
Behold the sharp lance that pierc'd His Sacred Heart;
On Calvary's Mount behold Him naked hang,
To suffer for our sins pain's utmost pang.