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bier, praying as the procession moved on. Relig. Cerem. vol. VII. p. 117.

Page 150.the angel of death had opened the portal of some other world.

The name of this exterminating angel is Azrael, and his office is to conduct the dead to the abode assigned them; which is said by some to be near the place of their interment. Such was the office of Mercury in the Grecian Mythology. Sale's Prelim. Disc. p. 101. Hyde in notis ad Bobov. p. 19. R. Elias, in Tishbi. Buxtorf Synag. Jud. et Lexic. Talmud. Homer. Odyss.

Page 150.Monker and Nekir.

These are two black angels of a tremendous appearance, who examine the departed on the subject of his faith: by whom, if he give not a satisfactory account, he is sure to be cudgelled with maces of red-hot iron, and tormented more variously than words can describe. Relig. Ceremon. vol. VII. p. 59. 68. 118. vol. V. p. 290. Sale's Prelim. Disc. p. 101.

Page 150.the fatal bridge.

This bridge, called in Arabick al Siral, and