Page:Bedřich Smetana, The bartered bride, Die verkaufte braut.pdf/9

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I hardly dare to think of it!
Soon will they come
To look at the bride;
Micha, father and son,
To sue for me!


Well, then. . .
What are you going to do?


What shall I do?
Would to God that I knew!
But one thing I know,
That I am yours for all eternity!
If only my parent were not to force me!


That really would be sad.


Still it seems
Little to concern you. . .So calm, my friend?
Perhaps this circumstance just suits you?
I'm in despair, distressed and anxious,
Yet you are barely moved! Alas, if you
Were to deceive this trusting heart,
If secretly you loved another?


Oh, never!


Gladly do I trust you,
Faithfully look up to you!
What else could I rely on
If your love were untrue!

You, come here from distant place,
Who you are, I know not,
I took you for my sweetheart,
Trusting your honest face!
O tell me, what drove you from your home
To this strange place?
Of your early youth
You never spoke to me!


Unwillingly I speak of it,
It is too painful!
From rich house do I come, but
My beloved mother died. Soon after that
My father took another wife.
With false tales had she stolen
My father's heart from me.
Out of the house she drove me!
Now strangers do I serve for daily bread.
With my mother, died
My youthful happiness;
What I really lost,
No longing will bring back.


O you good, poor boy,
How I deplore your fate!
Be of good cheer; a look of love
Will warmly comfort you.


No longer now will you despair!
A home and hearth will your love be
For me, the orphaned youth!

Hans and Marie.

Now in joy and sadness,
Now in pain and gladness,
United are we.

Through life together
Will we soar like swallows,
Hope and trust,
And build us a nest,
But secretly and stealthily
Will we announce our happiness!

Now in joy and sadness
United are we!


Be quiet! They're coming.
O God, my father!
They're looking for me!


Then it's time that I should go!
Parting! Parting! That hurts so!
Fare thee well, until we meet again!

He goes away.

Marie hides.