Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/106

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

The speaker ran to the door and yelled "Legs!" at the top of his lungs. No answer.

Mystified, the two barefooted boys pattered along the hall, peeping into Hardy's room and into Turner's in succession. Both were empty.

"Hardy!" they both shouted together as loudly as they could bawl.

Dead silence.

"Turner, ah, Turner!" they shrilled. Same result.

"What you reckon's happened?" speculated Cat, inferring some pleasure jaunt of which he and Jimmy were being cheated. "Come on! Let's go down and see!"

Back to their rooms they darted, slipped on their shoes, and adding nothing else to their sleeping costume, bounded down the stairway.

"Not a soul in sight but that old one-eyed witch. Scat!" cried Jimmy, gazing about and then striding from one window to another. At the commotion, Luke cropped up from the pantry.

"Where in the mischief are the others?" demanded Cat.

"I dunno where they gone," returned the