Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/109

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At Cape Peril

"Don't worry, he ain't goin' far," was the consolation. "Hardy's goin' to stick some stamps on him and send him back by parcel post. I think he took him because he's a math. shark."

"Oh, golly, Jimmy, why couldn't we squeeze Whiskers for a brainful?" said Cat ruefully. "First time I knew that stuff would get you where you could have some fun."

"Say, boys, stop lookin' up there for starfish," drawled Turner, after the crestfallen pair had watched the bird dwindle and vanish in the distance. "It's an ill wind that doesn't blow somebody good. How would you two persimmon-mouths like to take a little skim over the briny in my hydro after breakfast!"

The dismal faces bloomed in a twinkling. The news was like a refreshing shower to two wilted strawberries.

"Oh, Jimmy," yelled Cat, dancing around with his companion in a frenzy of enthusiasm. "Old Legs can have his lift. We're the lucky guys, I'll say."

"And we'll anchor the flying ship over there