Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/121

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At Cape Peril

"Can't we land him?" asked Cat, with rising bravado, as pride in his feat began to assert itself.

"I'll attend to the landing part," retorted Turner, pushing the lads towards the cockpit. "Get back and stop talking."

The mysterious commotion on the floating hydro had already created a tremendous flutter among the fishermen, and at the climax of the pistol shots one boat had put out and was swiftly nearing the scene of the mystery.

"It's a shark," shouted Turner to the oncoming rowers.

Instantly the men rested on their oars.

"Dead?" inquired one excitedly.

"As he ever will be!" bawled Turner.


"Ain't any more o' them things prowlin' around, is there?" the man was anxious to know.

"No," yelled Turner, "come on. Land him for us and it means ten dollars for you."

The offer of money had a magnetic effect. The man took his seat once more, and all pulled for the plane with a will, keeping a sharp lookout as they did so. Drawing up alongside, the crew,