Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/141

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At Cape Peril

visions of ogres floating through his brain. "Babies. Must be the whole Blackbeard family."

Luke edged away superstitiously, or perhaps craftily, to avoid being called on to engage in unnecessary labor.

"Chicken bones," sniffed Jimmy contemptuously, as Cat dropped them and set to plugging away once more.

Suddenly the digger was on his knees, scraping with his hands in the moist sand and then sifting it through his fingers. A few moments later he was triumphantly holding up for Jimmy's inspection a small beadlike object. Then, under more scraping, several other pieces of broken pottery came to light, and finally, with a hatchet head of stone and several arrows, the revelation was complete. The Blackboard theory had exploded.

"Oh, shucks," wailed Cat. "Nothing but the grave of some old Indian. I was looking for blunderbusses and coins and here I light on beads and arrows."

Luke's eyes popped, while Jimmy burst into a roar of laughter, so droll was the look of disap-