Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/150

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After the boys had unloaded their minds of the Indian discovery and reviewed the shark episode half a dozen times or more, they began to grow restless. A vague apprehension about the fate of Hardy and Legs took possession of them, while the dismally howling wind furnished an unpleasant accompaniment to their thoughts. Cat beat a tattoo on the window-panes and gazed out moodily at the curling whitecaps. Jimmy sought Luke's company in the kitchen, but the mulatto with a sulky scowl emitted nothing but grunts, so the lad hunted up Turner.

"No news from Kitty Hawk yet," announced the latter, adding such encouragement as he was able to conjure up

After joining Cat once more in his gloomy occupation of staring at the high running surf and scurrying clouds, Jimmy suggested killing time by a nap. If there ever were a time when