Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/19

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At Cape Peril

country with rods and a lot of junk and take about five years to survey one measly little county. Well, now an aviator and a photographer can go up and take views with the camera upside down, and in an hour or two the job's done. Get me? Well, that's the stunt Tom does on the Carolina coast, and a fellow named Turner, who is with him, does the camera work. They're bunking at Cape Peril till they finish around there and then they'll move on somewhere else. Father hooked that job for him and he thought it would tickle the old man to invite me down. He sent word for me to pick two good old scouts for company, so you two rummies are my pickings. See?"

"Pretty good pickings, too, eh, Legs?" observed Jimmy. "Sure your daddy's going to stop and bring us home in his yacht?"

"That's what he promised," said Legs. "He'll let us know by the wireless Cat says they've got at Cape Peril. This is the eighteenth, isn't it? He ought to be leaving Tampico right about this time, but he's going to stop by Cuba for a couple of days or so."

"Bet he's been having a swell time down