Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/191

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When Cat looked out after Turner and Jimmy disappearing in the darkness, he had to swallow a pretty bitter pill.

"Tough when a fellow's got the pep, not to have a chance to show it," he grumbled to himself.

Then, like the good loser he had always been, he began to soothe his feelings with commonsense reflections. Turner, it was clear, had some reason for wanting the smaller lad, and an addition to the party might be a drawback. It's pretty hard luck, however, to be left in a lonesome house when your chum is out running his nose into all sorts of exciting adventure.

"Well, I can eat anyhow," he consoled himself, and taking advantage of Hardy's invitation to the guests to forage in the pantry whenever appetite moved them, he managed to find and stow away a choice assortment of cake, pickles and crab-apples.