Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/21

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At Cape Peril

Legs, for the moment, was silent, thinking deeply.

"And fellows, you know they used to use seaplanes in the war to hunt for submarines," explained Cat.

"The mischief you say!" This from Jimmy.

"Sure! The subs, even when they were 'way down deep, made sort of rings on the top of the water, and the flyers could spy 'em out with the airplanes, and find out where to drop the depth bombs and blow the stuffings out of them."

"Golly!" exclaimed Jimmy.

"I bet you can't guess what they use them for now?" Cat persisted with his instruction of his friends.

"Search me!" returned Jimmy.

"Use 'em to look for shoals of fish that make pretty much the same sort of circles that submarines do. When the flyer sees 'em he signals to the fishermen where to net 'em. How's that?"

"Sounds fishy!" joked Jimmy.

"Oh, mush! Is that the best you can do?" came from the disgusted Cat. "I don't waste any more breath on mutts like you. You'd just as soon spring that rotten joke about the fish-