Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/220

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

questions, after listening to the pilot's interests in the matter. "He's got enough evidence to convict that crook if we can get the hooks in him. What he done I don't know any more than you do. All I know is I've got to try to catch him. I've wired the description around, and I think we're on the trail. What you tell me about that boat you found goes in with a report I got that a man lookin' like Blanco was seen in the back country not far from Knott's Island. But I've got hold of another piece of information I can't let out yet, and I'm going up Norfolk way tomorrow—was going today if the boats hadn't been held up by this here storm. Commodore Hatton offers right smart money reward if the man's landed."

"How about going tonight?" suggested Hardy.

The deputy gave a look that showed he thought he was dealing with a lunatic.

"I'm not dangerous," laughed Hardy, interpreting the other's glance. Then he told of the waiting tugboat.

"What would you do when you got to Knott's Island?" objected the reluctant deputy.