Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/242

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

criminal will do the craziest things in creation. Anyhow, he slipped his cog this time."

The captain went on to give some minor details that had no great bearing on the main point at issue, and finally announced that he could make no further disclosures.

"Now, young men," he said at last, turning to young Hatton and his two companions, "I've got a message for you. Your parents were scared to death about you boys during that wind storm yesterday and their nerves weren't helped when they heard about that crook being in this neighborhood, so I was told to let you know you must come home to-morrow."

"Oh, Gee!" demurred Cat, with a sour look. "They don't think we're babies, do they? I know my dad wasn't worried."

"I don't bring any full particulars of their state of mind; all I know is that you're directed to come home."

"How're we going to get there?" objected Jimmy. "We can't walk, and Mr. Hardy's plane is at Kitty Hawk."

"'Fraid they wouldn't let you come home in a plane after all this excitement, if there were a